Our creation…

Alanna works closely with the heart opening medicine of cacao, gently leading people through the sacred process of ceremony. Upon discovering the ritual of ceremony in Tulum, Alanna began deepening her personal practice of self love and gratitude. She realized that cacao has the power to shift consciousness through a deeper connection with ourselves and in turn our communities. This inner knowing took her further into the jungles of Guatemala where she spent time living among the cacao trees, convening with the people of these ancient communities. While in Guatemala she also completed her second 10 day cacao facilitator training program. In the years that followed these first two initiations, she has continued her education and deepening with the medicine through a certification in permaculture design with an emphasis on cacao as well as a profound jungle immersion this past February, granting her the opportunity to live and work on a cacao farm and interact with the community. During this process she underwent yet another initiation with the plant, the land, and the community. This year marks five years as her journey of devotion and connection with cacao continues. Through her moving ceremonies and women’s retreats you will get to work with the medicine through a variety of healing modalities. Meditation, breath, movement, music, and other heart expanding elements are tools that are activated within ceremony, gently guiding us back to our hearts.

“Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is a part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It’s just sitting in love, a love that incorporates the chair and the room and permeates everything around. The thinking mind is extinguished in love .”

— Ram Dass