What is Cacao?

The plant Theobroma Cacao is a naturally occurring tree in many regions of South America, including Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, and parts of the Yucatan. It has been used for thousands of years by the people in these regions as a sacred plant medicine and originally as a tool of trade for many communities. Cacao was worth more than gold and originally only consumed by the elite of society as a decadent and sacred drink used to connect with the divine. As time went on, its popularity grew and it was used as a way for communities to come together and bask in the unconditional love of soul spirit. It became a beautiful way for people to connect with one another, as well as cultivate a deeper self love and appreciation for themselves and the world around them. The scientific name Theobroma cacao directly translates to “food of the gods” Theo- god, broma- food. It is truly one of the most ancient and historically rich fruits to enter our earth and that is before delving into its health benefits, spiritual expanse, and sharing in its sacred community.

What does cacao contain that makes it so special?

You might be thinking, what is the evidence behind the claim that drinking ceremonial cacao can expand your heart and mind and even increase your creative flow and ability to feel love!

First, cacao contains this amazing compound called theobromine. This compound is similar to caffeine in that it is the reason you may feel an increased energy from cacao. It has a multitude of benefits including protecting the heart by naturally lowering blood pressure, increasing blood flow, the aforementioned increased energy, improved mood, reduced inflammation, and it even may help strengthen tooth enamel. All these benefits and this is just one of the amazing compounds found in cacao. Cacao also contains magnesium, relaxing your muscles and putting you into that calm state. So while you are energized you may also feel relaxed, how amazingly beautiful! Cacao also contains a multitude of antioxidants, specifically flavonoid antioxidants which research shows that people who consume flavonoid antioxidants have a decreased risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and mental decline! WOW! Cacao also contains calcium, protecting your bones from decline.  A combination of many of these things may trigger the heart-full feelings we many times receive from cacao.

“Love opens all doors, no matter how tightly closed they may be, no matter how rusty from lack of use. Your work is to bring unity and harmony, to open all those doors which have been closed for a long time. Have patience and tolerance. Open your heart all the time.”

- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Expanding your heart with cacao

When you drink mama cacao make sure she is drank intentionally, with love, deep respect, and understanding. By purchasing ceremonial cacao, you are purchasing cacao that has been cultivated in a very traditional way by tribes and communities that have used cacao for centuries.  It has been blessed and prayed over throughout their process. Ceremonial grade is the highest and most pure form of cacao that can be purchased and its power and quality is desired for those practicing and revering it in a ritualistic setting. The cacao you consume ceremonially is one hundred percent raw, meaning that nothing is added to it during its harvesting, fermentation and roasting process. It is ground into a paste that is then used for ceremonial consumption.

Desiring to delve into the deep abundance that cacao holds requires an open heart, one that is both ready to receive but also give the love and expansion that is cultivated. Feeling into your creative power, igniting your fire, releasing and purging held traumas and emotions, cacao is here for you to heal yourself through love. Love will heal the world!